Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sweet Lamb of God

-Sweet Lamb of God

I also had a song my a very young child singing Amazing Grace but the link doesn't work any more so deleted it.


Coleen said...

She certainly has a lovely voice, but I also really enjoyed the images that went along with it.
Coleen in Ukraine

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my gosh, Kim--what an amazing video!!! I have heard her sing before, but I had not seen this video (it must be newer.) I couldn't help but cry hearing moves the soul. Thanks so much for this beautiful post.

Faye said...

Wonderful video of the child singing Amazing Grace, Kim. I loved what you wrote about everything being filtered through His gracious hands. And the second song O Lamb of God is one of my favorites.

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh Kim, this song is gorgeous too and the video is amazing...and my favorite part was when the people went through their was so moving...and that little lamb was so precious...
wow, this is a beautiful song and her voice is priceless...

Cindy Adkins said...

One more thing, I hope your thunderstorm ended and that you're okay...Don't worry--if you've got another song, I'll listen to that I love the music...

I don't know how to add a video onto a blog...I wish I did..

Junibears said...

A wonderfully moving post KIM.

Kim B said...

So sweet....

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Talk about the voice of angels. Amazing Grace is also one of my favorites. It touches my soul every time I hear it. It reminds me of my childhood but it speaks to me as an adult - now that I fully understand the gift of His grace. Thanks so much for the lovely moment.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Kim,
I just created a Bible tag graphic and it is posted, so I wanted to make sure to tell you so that you can run it off....Hugs, Cindy

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation said...

Thank you for sharing two such awesome praise and worship music videos. Both are such wonderful and encouraging songs. I had never heard the little girl sing before - what a voice God has blessed her with. Thank you for a lovely visit!

Mosaic Magpie said...

Thanks for sharing. Suuch a beautiful voice.

Scrapping With Sherry said...

What a voice coming out of such a little thing! Amazing Grace is also my favorite song and has been since I was a young girl. If you have a chance to get to my blog I have a YOuTube video of LeeAnn Rymes singing Amazing Grace on my sidebar. She sounds amazing! I never get sick of hearing her sing it.

My plan was to put the video in my post like you did however I could not figure out how. If you could reply and let me know how you did it I would really appreciate it.

If you haven't gotten over to my blog, Scrapping With Sherry @ to enter in my giveaway it ends monday at midnight, if you would like to give it a try.

Take Care~ Sherry