Where Sorrow Begins
That’s a diagnosis that explains most of my unhappy moments.
Angry? Usually because I am not getting what I want.
Resentful? Someone didn’t treat me the way I think they should.
Self-pity? People just don’t appreciate me.
Bitter? I can’t believe that she, of all people, failed me this way!
Happy? Content? Peaceful? — Anytime I die to myself, live for God, and serve others!
Where self begins, sorrow begins. Where self dies, joy begins.
- Ken Sande
Reflection Questions
- What do these passages say about focusing on yourself: John 12:24, Matt. 10:39; Phil. 2:3-4?
- Think of a time when you were especially happy and fulfilled? Who were you focusing on, yourself or others?
- Think of a time when you were angry, resentful, bitter, or crippled with self-pity? Who were you focusing on, yourself or others?
- Do you see a pattern in your life? What can you ask God to do about it?
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