Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aug 14/08

At your feet, O Christ, we lay
your own gift of this new day;
Doubt of what it holds in store
Makes us crave your aid the more;
Even in a time of loss,
Mark, it Savior, with your Cross.

Yes, we would your Word embrace,
Live each moment on your grace,
All ourselves to you consign,
Fold up all our wills in yours,
Think, and speak, and do, and be
Simply that which pleases you.

Hear us, Christ, O, hear our prayer;
Hear, and bless our deepest care.
May your love to us impart,
Loyal singleness of heart;
So shall this and all our days,
Christ and God, show forth your praise.

Words: William Bright (19thC) adaptedMusic: Sunrise (18thC)


Eve said...

Live each moment on your beautiful. Very nice blog.

Musings of A Minister said...
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Charlotte said...

Good Morning,
I just posted a comment, but forgot that my husband was logged in so when I posted the comment it went under his name so I deleted it.
Good poem. Thank you for sharing it on Spiritual Sundays.

Carrie said...

Wonderful poem.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

What a beautiful prayer! I couldn't help but notice your Joshua Project's hard to believe there would be unreached people in this day and age isn't it? I will pray.

Have a Wonderful Sonday!
Kathi :)

Joyfulsister said...

What a beautiful poem and prayer. Thank you for sharing with us this morning.

Blessings Joyfulsister

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Nannykim, Thank-you for such a great poem. I enjoyed reading it as I'm sure others did as well. I have been at Charlotte's home for about 4 days it was nice to see your post for Spiritual Sunday,thank-you.