It is weekend of worship at Where we can link up with a prayer or poem --ect of worhship to God. So I thought I would participate in this first one ;-) It seems a little awkward to put a prayer of our own up on a post----but perhaps it is good for me to do at times.
Father, I want to lift my hands in thanks to you today for the blessing of blogging friends. Their creative spirit is such a reflection of all that you are as Creator. I love the way that you have filled the world with such a huge amount of variety. It always astounds me as I look around me at all the colors , shapes, sizes in flowers, birds, stars, trees, leaves ; I could go on and on. I love the way that women reflect this in the ways they decorate their homes, their blogs, their clothes, their hair, etc! I love the fact that you have stamped them with the image of God---that we were made in your image. What a wonderous Being you are. Thank you for making our lives so rich and for the blessing of knowing such a God. Thank you that we are constantly learning new things about you and your creation. Thank you for creating us as social beings who interact with you and each other. Thank you for these rich blessings!
This is beautiful dear one. I used to think it was awkward too when I first started writing out my prayers on my blog, but as I saw how it blessed others and how profound His presence was even as I was typing--to the point that sometimes I have to stop in the middle of it because the tears of joy blind me--then I knew it was all His doing and became more and more comfortable with it. Your post has blessed me today. Thank you for sharing with WOW.
I agree with One Heart - a beautiful prayer. I have written prayers in comments when needed and felt that God just took my fingers and placed them where He wanted them to be. I have been amazed at some of the things I actually write in comments sometimes. I am not a writer and have always been very shy, but after being in what is called "blogland" for almost 2 years now, I feel I have grown in my walk with God and oh how I worship Him and praise Him for all He has done for me and for all the friends I have here. When I first started I felt like I didn't have a friend in the world, now I have a world of friends. People who don't use a computer, at least in this type of situation, do not have a clue how you can bond with so many people. I praise God for all the people I have met and with One Heart's WOW I'm getting to know more people. Keep up the good work on WOW, God enjoyes our praises. As One Heart says you can worship Him with a video, a song, a poem or what ever God leads you to do.
Blessing my new found friend, AE
I say AMEN to your prayer...
To see the variety around us in nature but also in blogland IN God's creation amazes and blesses me also...
To read was like i even heard you speaking out those words and praising God for His creation and how it blesses us.....made me know and see God MORE clearly in things.....
I can see how God inhabits all our praises troughout this weekend over at "One Heart" and every day we do that and draw others to do so....
It's an AMAZING experience....
I look forward to meet you frequently "Nannykim" in the weekends
Thanks also for coming to my blog.
Thank you for sharing your prayer!
Such a lovely prayer, amen.
Stopped by again because after I commented yesterday I was at a store browsing through some books and God reminded me of some of the most precious books which have prayers written out. Some of those powerful anointed books include the Stormie O'Martian books on prayer. She usually closes each chapter with a prayer and when I have read those prayers, it is like the very presence of God illuminates the page. I think it is because that is when the heart is so open to Him as the writer shares that intimacy. Thought I'd mention it. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I think I'll visit your house blog this week.
AMEN!!! beautifully said and so true!!!
Thanks for your visit and this beautiful prayer... though it may have seen awkward, you did so well, you should consider doing it more!!!
God truly does inhabit our praises!
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